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Wakefield’s functions

# This function calculates BFDP, the approximate Pr( H0 | thetahat )
# http://faculty.washington.edu/jonno/BFDP.R
# doi.org/10.1086/519024, p. 120, formula (6) and above
# @param thetahat an estiamte of the log relative risk
# @param V the variance of this estimate
# @param W the prior variance
# @param pi1 the prior probability of a non-null association
BFDPfunV <- function(thetahat, V, W, pi1)
  pH0 <- dnorm(thetahat, m = 0, s = sqrt(V))
  postvar <- V + W
  pH1 <- dnorm(thetahat, m = 0, s = sqrt(postvar))
  BF <- pH0/pH1
  PO <- (1-pi1) / pi1
  BFDP <- BF * PO / (BF*PO + 1)
  list(BF = BF, pH0 = pH0, pH1 = pH1, BFDP = BFDP)

# This function computes ABF according to Wakefield (doi.org/10.1086/519024)
# doi.org/10.1038/ng.2435, Online Methods, Section Bayesian approach
ABFfun <- function(Z, V, W)
  r <- W / (V + W)
  (1 / sqrt(1 - r)) * exp(-Z*Z*r/2)

Example data set

ex <- example_finemap()

ss <- ex$tab1
ld <- ex$ld1 # not needed for ABF, be used later on for FINEMAP
N <- 4444

# simulate standard errors (se) and add effect sizes (effect)
ss <- mutate(ss,
  se = rnorm(n(), 1/sqrt(N), 0.005),
  effect = zscore * se)

# remove strong signals
ss <- filter(ss, abs(zscore) < 6)

# sort
ss <- arrange(ss, -abs(zscore)) %>%
  mutate(rank = seq(1, n())) %>% select(rank, everything())


W <- 0.21^2 # suggested by Wakefield
pi1 <- 1 / nrow(ss) # prior on alternative (association)

abf <- BFDPfunV(ss$effect, ss$se^2, W, pi1) %>% bind_cols

abf <- bind_cols(ss, abf)

abf <- mutate(abf, 
  ABF = ABFfun(zscore, se^2, W),
  ABFinv = (1 / ABF))
abf <- within(abf, sumABFinv <- sum(ABFinv))

abf <- mutate(abf, P1_ABF = ABFinv / sumABFinv)

Top 5 SNPs:

head(abf, 5) %>% 
  select(rank, snp, zscore, BF, ABF, ABFinv, P1_ABF) %>%
rank snp zscore BF ABF ABFinv P1_ABF
1 rs23 5.773 8.692e-07 8.692e-07 1150477 0.7282
2 rs17 -5.585 2.566e-06 2.566e-06 389741 0.2467
3 rs42 -4.985 6.484e-05 6.484e-05 15423 0.009762
4 rs11 -4.846 8.525e-05 8.525e-05 11730 0.007425
5 rs26 4.718 0.0002211 0.0002211 4522 0.002862


finemap <- finemapr(ss, ld, n = as.integer(1/0.015^2), 
  tool = "finemap", args = "--n-causal-max 1")

Top 5 SNPs:

head(finemap$snp[[1]], 5) %>% 
snp rank_z rank_pp snp_prob snp_prob_cumsum snp_log10bf
rs23 1 1 0.7008 0.7009 2.042
rs17 2 2 0.2642 0.9651 1.227
rs42 3 3 0.0144 0.9795 -0.1637
rs11 4 4 0.0077 0.9872 -0.4397
rs26 5 5 0.0044 0.9916 -0.6838

Final plot: ABF vs. FINEMAP

# join results from two methods
tab <- full_join(
    select(finemap$snp[[1]], rank_z, snp, snp_prob) %>% rename(post_finemap = snp_prob),  
    select(abf, snp, P1_ABF) %>% rename(post_abf = P1_ABF),
    by = "snp") %>%

# table for plot
ptab <- gather(tab, method, post_prob, -rank_z, -snp) %>%
    snp_rank_z = paste0("#", rank_z, "\n", snp),
    method = factor(method, labels = c("ABF (Wakefield)", "FINEMAP (Benner)")))
# plot
ggplot(ptab, aes(factor(snp_rank_z), post_prob, fill = method)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
  labs(x = "SNP", y = "Posterior probability")